Planning For 2019

Quick question: How are your 2019 Internal Communication plans shaping up?
Are you a ‘wait till the red alert button is flashing’ last minute planner, or a ‘did it months and months ago’ super-organised kind of planner? Whatever your internal comms planning style, it’s always good to have a few helpful tips up your sleeve…and, oh lucky day, here they are!
Be prepared, with these handy tips.
Plan ahead to get that buy-in from the wider business, with everyone knowing what 2019 will look like and what the company needs to achieve.
Align your internal comms to business strategy
. Consider what your business is trying to achieve and how can internal comms support this. Is there a common business agenda across all departments that internal comms can support?
Link internal comms with the other departments
. Get nosey. Ask other departments what they intend to be focusing on in 2019. Ask the Marketing Department what they’re planning for their campaigns. Is the IT department going to be significantly changing the way people work next year? Does HR have a specific focus, such as diversity? Ask Logistics what their plans are for Q1 2019.
Clarify external influences
. The economic challenges brought by Brexit are unsettling. Be one step ahead of the rumour-mongers, and plan ahead so your internal comms can bring clarity, consistency and support to employees. Think about how simple messages can be rolled out company-wide.
Be part of the conversation.
Show senior players you have a plan for your internal comms that covers Q1 –it’s a great way to raise the Internal comms team profile. By drawing together common themes from a variety of departments, you’ll be letting senior team members see clearly opportunities (and challenges) they may not have been aware of. This way internal comms can be very much part of an ongoing company-wide strategy. Which can only be a good thing…
Think about what worked and didn’t work in the last year.
Be brutal. Put aside projects that didn’t work or seem unnecessary now. Champion the projects that did work, and build on them going forward
Get your team involved!
Now is the time to get your team focused and geared up so they can be totally prepared for Q1.
We’ve worked very closely with our clients for many years and have picked up lots of tips along the way. If you need extra help or want someone else to do this for you, give us a call at Avvio Reply. Our consultants would love to help you and your internal comms team prepare to make 2019 just what you want it to be.