Introducing Our New Reward And Recognition Programme

Last week was a bit exciting, we launched our new reward and recognition programme – Avvio AllStars.
Our programme used to be called Avvio Knights and it ran successfully for 5 years but we were undergoing a re-alignment of our company vision, values, purpose and personality traits and needed to make sure that we were focusing on the right areas.
We decided to keep things super simple – combining our values and personality traits into 3 clear categories. We then created 3 fun characters to visually represent these categories and gave each one a clear set of behaviours.
How does it work?
We can ‘spot’ each other if we notice behaviour that aligns with the character. We do this via a simple web app that automatically sends the recipient an email.
What’s the incentive to ‘spot’ an AllStar?
Every 2 months we reward the ‘best’ in each category with a certificate, vouchers, laptop sticker and one winner gets the coveted ‘best parking space’.
Winner, Ben Lamont says
“When I get an email it makes me feel really happy and proud, like I’ve done a good job and my work is valued. I’m always doubting myself so it gives me confidence”.
We might not think about our company values every day but we live them without realising it. We know what ‘good’ looks like and we know that by living these values we’re all on the same path towards achieving our vision… and hopefully the best parking space.