How To Stay Connected When Working From Home

It’s week two of working from home and, yes, the struggle is real. You’re currently juggling Email, WhatsApp, Skype and Zoom, but how connected to your team mates do you actually feel?
Transitioning from an office environment to a full-time home one can be difficult, but this type of change is a topic we’re used to – and really invested in.
For us, working from home is not just about whether you’ll be more productive on your sofa or at the kitchen table. It’s about whether you are feeling just as much as part of your team as before, so you can do your best job. It feels like, suddenly, we’ve all had to figure out not only the technical parts of getting our jobs done from home, but also how to get that emotional bond from our work pals, that our mental wellbeing is already missing.
So we ask, is it possible for people to work from home and still feel connected?
We believe so.
It’s just about being intentional and planning for it, so that your WFH calendars still reflect your business values.
Here are some of the ways we’re making working from home, work for us…
Our morning ritual video catch-ups
There’s something to be said for seeing each other’s faces first thing, and having a morning ritual during these social-distancing times.
In fact, having an activity that keeps us together and organised has been proven to be super successful.
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, we all* join a video call to check in with everyone and ensure we are all fully briefed.
*Including the odd child, cat, and secret Croc wearer! (Oh the shame).
Our Virtual Kitchen chit-chat
Remember the water cooler and coffee station in the office? Well, it might be far away, but it doesn’t mean the chit-chat has to disappear.
It’s why we’ve set up a “Virtual Kitchen” chatroom for us to ‘drop by’ when we need a little pick-me-up or two-minute break.
It’s just small talk (strictly no work chat allowed.) but it mirrors what it’s like to grab a coffee in the kitchen. Which in our case, usually involves a synchronised cupboard dance around each other and disappointment over who drank all the Oat milk… Ah, the good old days.
Our Wellness Wednesday Workouts
It’s also important to help each other stay relaxed and healthy. Socialising over video and Teams chats isn’t always about workloads. We’re using them to balance our mental and physical wellness during these stressful times, too.
Every Wednesday lunchtime, those that can, join a team yoga session or HIIT workout.
Trust us: there’s nothing like seeing your Line Manager in leggings to bring you closer together. Our Monthly Lunch and Learn sessions
Working from home is a key part of the future of work. And this is an opportunity – in a worrying time – to hopefully learn some things.
Which is exactly what we’re doing. We’re taking this time to continue sharing with each other new findings, learnings and inspiration. From how we are helping our clients to human behaviour insights.
Our Friday fizz at 4
It’s been proven that spending time on non-work activities with colleagues strengthens working relationships. So whether we’re a quaran-tini or quaran-tea kind of person, we each bring a drink, and have some fun.
It’s our little happy (half) hour that always ends our week on a high; reminding us that we’re all in this together.
These weekly rituals may sound small, but they’re really making us all feel that, even though we’re on our own, we’re not alone.
Working from home and need more tips? Give us a (video) call.